March 31, 2013

Error message comimg form Maximizer Clients Systems

Error (1) #  "Failed to create a new database" from Maximizer Clients Systems
Error (2) # "unable to connect maconfig database maximizer"

The problem is very likely to be caused by incorrect initialization of the instance Microsoft SQL server that is installed when you installed Maximizer. If you have the option in the Administrator to repair database this may resolve the problem but you may not be able to get into this menu due to the problems you are experiencing. The simplest solution will probably be to remove both Maximizer and the SQL cleaning up the machine (check for other SQL instances). Then re-install allowing Maximizer to perform a clean and correct SQL installation. 

March 24, 2013

Install Active Directory management tools on Windows 7 & Windows 8

The Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) for Windows 7 & 8 can be downloaded from Microsoft's web site:

For Windows 8 : 

After downloading and installing the tool on your Windows 7 computer, use the Turn Windows features on or off function to enable AD management tools.

1) From the Control Panel, click on Programs.
2) Under Programs and Features, select Turn Windows features on or off.
3) Under Remote Server Administration Tools > Role Administration Tools, select AD DS and AD       LDS Tools.

March 23, 2013

Active Directory (AD)

Active Directory is Microsoft's directory service that allows administrators to assign policies, deploy software, and apply updates for an entire organization. AD also allows users to store data in a central location, where it is backed up.

Benefits of Active Directory

Active Directory is a state-wide authentication directory that supports enterprise systems, provides contact information and scheduling integration, along with providing mechanisms for centralized desktop management. There are multiple Active Directory (AD) environments in use across the University of Tennessee campuses and institutes. The purpose of the Active Directory Project is to migrate all of these environments into a single AD forest, which will provide the following benefits:

  1. Single user name and password - NetID
  2. Password synced between AD and LDAP Directory Services
  3. Reduce overhead through standardization
  4. Improve services through centralized management capabilities
  5. Provide foundation for the following AD related services: a)SharePoint    b)Exchange
  6. Improve workstation security
  7. Central storage provided for individuals and departments
  8. Backup and restoration services for central storage
  9. Server storage space for user documents
  10. Backed up data on Home and Departmental drives
  11. Lower departmental cost because infrastructure is managed and maintained by OIT

March 12, 2013

Q: - What is Authentication Header and how it provides the protection to IP header?

Basically Authentication Header protects IP header and provides the complete authenticity to the IP packets.AH may work in two ways: transport mode and tunnel mode.

In tunnel mode; Authentication Header protects the IP header using two IP header layers inner and outer. The inner IP header is used to contain the source and destination addresses, and the outer IP header is used to contain the security gateway information.

Q: - if We have to generate a hash function then what characteristics are needed in a secure hash function?.
  • A secure hash function should have the following characteristics:
  • The output generated by a hash function should be of a fixed length. 
  • It should be very easy to find out a hash function for a given message. 
  • If a hash value is given of a message than it is almost impossible to get that message. 
  • The two different messages should not have the same hash value; it is against the hash function property. 
For authentication: One can encrypt the hash (MD4/SHA) of the data with a private key. This is known as a digital signature.
To prevent DoS attacks firewall can be configured as a relay; in this approach the firewall responds on behalf of the internal host. During the attack, the firewall responds to the SYN sent by the attacker; since the ACK never arrives, the firewall terminates the connection. By Keeping protocols and Antivirus software up-to-date, we can prevent being a victim of DoS. A regular scanning of the machine is also necessary in order to detect any anomalous behavior.

Q: - What are the differences among encoding, encryption and hashing?

Encoding: Basically encoding is used to protect the integrity of data as it crosses through a communication network to keep its original message upon arriving. It is primarily an insecure function because it is easily reversible.

Encryption: Encryption is basically designed for confidentiality and data integrity and reversible only if you have the appropriate key.

Hashing: With hashing the operation is one-way i.e. non-reversible. It takes an input (or , message ) and returns a fixed-size string, which is called the hash value.

Q: - What is Data encryption?

Data encryption ensures data safety and very important for confidential or critical data. It protects data from being read, altered or forged while transmission.

Q: - What is Digital Signatures ?

A digital signature is an attachment to an electronic message used for security purpose. It is used to verify the authenticity of the sender.

Q: - How do you use RSA for both authentication and secrecy?

RSA is a public key encryption algorithm. The RSA algorithms are based on the mathematical part that it is easy to find and multiply large prime numbers together, but it is extremely difficult to factor their product.

Q: - If you are a victim of Denial of Service (Dos) then what you do?

The function of a denial of service attack is to flood its target machine with too much traffic and prevents it from being accessible to any other requests or providing services.


 Once upon a time in a picturesque town nestled in the rolling hills, there lived a young artist named Lily. She was known throughout the co...